Zane SkillRefreshment
- GameBorderlands 3
- ClassZane
- Skill TreeUnder Cover
- Skill TypePassive Skill
- Skill Tier20
- Max Points3
- Armor Boost
RefreshmentSkill Info
Passive Skill
Dealing Damage to Frozen enemies heals you.
RefreshmentBoosting Class Mods
Violent Momentum
Passive Skill
While moving, you gain increased Gun Damage*.
The faster you move, the greater this bonus.
*Benefits from Kill Skill Increases.
Passive Skill
Increases your Skill Cooldown Rate.
The fuller your Shield the greater this bonus.
Man of Focus
Passive Skill
Activating an Action Skill grants you stacking Accuracy and Handling for a short time.
Max Stacks: 10
Stack Duration: 12s
Cold Bore
Passive Skill
Increases your Weapon Swap Speed.
Swapping Weapons adds Bonus Cryo Damage* to your next shot.
Passive Skill
Scoring a Critical Hit, grants you Health Regeneration for a short time.
Duration: 12s
Tunnel Vision
Passive Skill
While moving, you gain increased Accuracy and Handling.
The faster you move, the greater this bonus.
Rise to the Occasion
Passive Skill
You gain passive Health Regeneration.
The lower your shield the greater this bonus.
Brain Freeze
Passive Skill
Scoring a Critical Hit has a chance to Slow the target. This stacks until the target is Frozen*.
Duct Tape Mod
Passive Skill
You become Immune to your own damage dealt.
Your 1st shot after a reload has a chance to throw your equipped grenade. Free grenades if your reserve is empty. This skill has a short cooldown.
Cooldown: 8s
Drone Delivery
Passive Skill
SNTNL can now drop your equipped Grenade on enemies for free.
Cooldown: 15s
Seein' Red
Passive Skill
Activating an Action Skill also activates all your Kill Skills.
Increases the Effect of your Kill Skill Bonuses.
Kill Skill Bonuses: +15%
Distributed Denial
Passive Skill
Barrier gains the effects of your currently equipped Shield.
Your Barrier also shares these shield effects with nearby allies. You receive reduced effects.
Quick Breather
Passive Skill
Swapping places with Clone heals Clone for 50% Missing-Health and starts your Shield Recharge.
The Art of War
Passive Skill
Activating an Action Skill or an Action Skill Ability stacks up Gun Damage.
Your next shot consumes all stacks.
Max Stacks: 10
Domino Effect
Passive Skill
Scoring a Critical Hit, increases your Fire Rate, Reload Speed and Burst-Fire Delay for a short time. Scoring a Action Skill Critical hit doubles this bonus.
Duration: 8s
Really Expensive Jacket
Passive Skill
Reduces the Duration of Elemental Status Effects applied to you.
Passive Skill
You can now press [action-skill] to sacrifice Clone to gain gain a full health Second Wind.
Max-Health Restored: 100%
Sheer Will
Passive Skill
Increases your Skill Cooldown Rate.
Scoring a Critical Hit stacks extra Cooldown Rate*.
Max Stacks: 15
Stack Duration: 8s
Nerves of Steel
Passive Skill
While your Shield is full you stack Accuracy and Handling. All stacks are lost upon taking damage.
Max Stacks: 15
Like a Ghost
Passive Skill
You and Clone gain a chance to Evade Bullets.
Activating an Action Skill stacks extra Evasion Chance for a short time.
Max Stacks: 2
Stack Duration: 8s
Calm, Cool, Collected
Passive Skill
Freezing an enemy starts your Shield Recharge.
If your Shield is full, you gain Health Regeneration for a short time. If your Health is full, your Skill Cooldowns or Durations reset.
Max-Health Regen/s: 3%
Regen Duration: 3s
Boom. Enhance.
Passive Skill
Activating Digi-Clone consumes up to 3 grenades and increases Clone's Fire Rate, Gun Damage, Reload Speed, Max-Health, and Duration.
Fire Rate: +5% /grenade
Gun Damage: +20% /grenade
Reload Speed: +45% /grenade
Max-Health: +81% /grenade
Duration: +25% /grenade
Trick of the Light
Passive Skill
You deal Bonus Cryo Damage to enemies who aren't targeting you.
SNTNL always deals Bonus Cryo Damage.
Our Man Flynt
Passive Skill
Aiming adds Bonus Damage to your guns and scoring a critical hit applies their Status Effect.
Bonus Damage: +25%
Confident Competence
Passive Skill
While your Shield is active, you gain increased Gun Damage and Accuracy.
The fuller your Shield the great this bonus.
Gun Damage: up to +35%
Accuracy: up to +50%
Death Follows Close
Passive Skill
Increases the Effect and Duration of your Kill Skill Bonuses.
Kill Skill Bonuses: +25%
Kill Skill Duration: +7s
Double Barrel
Passive Skill
Activating Digi-Clone now also clones your held Gun, but with less damage.
Swapping places with Clone increases your and Clone's Gun Damage.
Gun Damage: +25%
Clone: Gun Damage: -30%
RefreshmentAlternative passive skills
Passive Skill
Increases your Skill Cooldown Rate.
The fuller your Shield the greater this bonus.
Brain Freeze
Passive Skill
Scoring a Critical Hit has a chance to Slow the target. This stacks until the target is Frozen*.
Rise to the Occasion
Passive Skill
You gain passive Health Regeneration.
The lower your shield the greater this bonus.
Distributed Denial
Passive Skill
Barrier gains the effects of your currently equipped Shield.
Your Barrier also shares these shield effects with nearby allies. You receive reduced effects.
Really Expensive Jacket
Passive Skill
Reduces the Duration of Elemental Status Effects applied to you.
Calm, Cool, Collected
Passive Skill
Freezing an enemy starts your Shield Recharge.
If your Shield is full, you gain Health Regeneration for a short time. If your Health is full, your Skill Cooldowns or Durations reset.
Max-Health Regen/s: 3%
Regen Duration: 3s