Borderlands 3
It's a terrible day for rain.
- ContentBase Game
- ClassAmara
- RarityLegendary
- Manufacturer
- Skill Bonuses
The first hit of Amara's Action Skill spawns a Cloud at the enemy's location for 6 seconds.
Only one Cloud can be active and it can damage the user.
The Cloud deals 16 ticks of Action Skill Element Damage over its duration to all enemies inside it.
Every tick can apply an additional Status Effect that deals Action Skill Element Damage.
This additional Status Effect's Damage and Chance is equal to the wielded Weapon's values.
Non-Elemental Weapons can still apply this Status Effect.
The Skill Wildfire can spread this Status Effect.
Synergistic Weapons:
ION CANNON, Backburner, Kickcharger, Kill-o'-the-Wisp
Borderlands 3 Class Mods can't be anointed nor have a Mayhem Level.
Legendary and Epic Class Mods get 5 Bonus Points that are distributed randomly. A Skill's maximum Bonus Points depend on its original maximum.
5-Point Skills: 0 to +5 points
3-Point Skills: 0 to +3 points
1-Point Skills: 0 to +1 points
The Skills an Armor comes with depend on the 2 Classes Powers and their order. Select the Main and Secondary Class to see the Armor's Prefix and which skills it can have.
In Borderlands 3 Class Mods have 2 or 3 random Stats out of these 4 Categories. Legendary Class Mods have 3 stats while epics have only 2 and Each stat can only occur once!
Damage Stats
- +35% Weapon Dmg
- +44% [Weapon-Type] Dmg
- +26% Crit Dmg
- +17% Fire Rate
- +43% Skill Dmg
- +69% Melee Dmg
- +41% Grenade Dmg
- +39% Splash Dmg
Survivability Stats
- +9,902 Health
- +990 Health Regen/s
- +11,091 Shield Capacity
- +50% Recharge Rate
- -26% Recharge Delay
- +25% [Element] Resistance
- -25% Dmg Reduction
Utility Stats
- +32% Mag Size
- +26% Reload Speed
- +75% Weapon Charge Speed
- +43% Cooldown Rate
- +37% Splash Radius
- +7 Grenade Capacity
- +34% Grenade Radius
- +39% Accuracy
- +41% Handling
Manufacturer Stats
- +46% Atlas Fire Rate
- +34% COV Fire Rate
- +74% Torgue Projectile Speed
- [Atlas, COV, DAHL, Hyperion, Jakobs, Maliwan, Tediore, Torgue, Vladof]
+14% [Manufacturer] Weapon Dmg - [DAHL, Hyperion, Maliwan, Tediore, Vladof]
+22% [Manufacturer] Fire Rate - [Atlas, DAHL, Hyperion, Jakobs]
+64% [Manufacturer] Crit Dmg - [Atlas, DAHL, Hyperion, Jakobs, Maliwan, Tediore, Torgue, Vladof]
+36% [Manufacturer] Reload Speed - [COV, DAHL, Jakobs, Maliwan, Tediore, Torgue, Vladof]
+69% [Manufacturer] Accuracy
Base Game - World Drop
Borderlands 3 World Drops are items that drop from any suitable Loot Source in addition to their dedicated sources.
There are around 150 unique items in the Base Game - World Drop pool, so for farming a specific Class Mod it's best to seek out its dedicated Loot Source.
If you still want to test your luck, you should equip a Shlooter Artifact or All-in Shield to increase your Legendary World Drop Chances.
Class Mod - suitable Loot Sources:
- All Enemies:
Bosses, Crew Challenges, Generic Enemies, … - All kinds of Chests
- Slot Machine: Cash Trap!
Loot Luck Formula
P = Dedicated Loot Pool Chance
L = Loot Luck