
Borderlands TPSCelestial Doppelganger
"You know who you remind me of? Me."
- ContentDoppelganger
- ClassJack
- RarityLegendary
- ManufacturerHyperion
- Skill Bonuses
Celestial DoppelgangerAll Details
At max level the Celestial Doppelganger Class Mod grants the following 2 stat bonuses:
Crit Damage: +49%
Elemental Effect Damage: +43%
Additionally, the Celestial Doppelganger improves your gun's accuracy with sustained fire.
This has no limit and immediately ends when you stop shooting.
Borderlands The Pre Sequel Class Mods can boost up to 6 different skills by 4, 5 or 6 Points. A Class Mod's Bonus Point distribution depends on its rarity, level and parts.
Here are the maximum distributions at Level 50 and above:
Rare: (6/5)
Epic: (5/4/4)
Legendary: (4/4/4/4/4)
Celestial Class Mods: (5/5/5/5/5/5)
Boosts 6 instead of the regular 5 Skill!
The Skills an Armor comes with depend on the 2 Classes Powers and their order. Select the Main and Secondary Class to see the Armor's Prefix and which skills it can have.
Celestial DoppelgangerHow to get it?
General Farming Guidance
Celestial DoppelgangerDrop Rates
*When playing as Jack.