
Borderlands 3Short Stick
A small price to pay.
- ContentLoyalty Reward
- Weapon TypeSMG
- RarityEpic
- ManufacturerHyperion
- Elements
Short StickAll Details
Sustained fire, shoots out 2 orbs every third shot.
Orbs swirl around the initial bullet trajectory and deal Fire Splash Damage.
Basic Shield - Blue
Front-Facing shield stops incoming damage from the front.
- Elements
- Listed Projectiles
- Shot Cost
- Weapon Partsvariantsfixed parts
- Anointmentpossiblenone
- Splash Anointspossiblenone
Weapons usually get one part per group, but sometimes multiple or none. Numbers in the top-right indicate the range of parts a group can have.
Parts usually have equal drop chances, or it's indicated nearby.
Short StickHow to get it?
Expired Availability
As a promotion for Borderlands 3's Steam release on March 13th, 2020, Gearbox sent the Short Stick SMG to all players' inboxes on March 27th.
When you accepted the mail, the Short Stick was added to your inventory and automatically adjusted your current level. The maximum Level at the time was 57.