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Ashen Beast
Updated: Sep 05, 2023
Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3
Ashen Beast

Our eyes are yet to open.
  • Content
    Psycho Krieg
  • Weapon Type
  • Rarity
  • Manufacturer
  • Elements

Ashen Beast
All Details

God Roll
Ashen Beast (SMG-BL3)
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Ashen Beast - About

The Epic SMG Ashen Beast is manufactured by DAHL and comes from the Borderlands 3 Psycho Krieg - DLC.

Ashen Beast - unique Ability

Shoots small energy orbs that penetrates enemies and deal [weapon element] damage.

Firing Modes:
The Ashen Beast can swap between 4-Round Burst and Semi-Auto.

Ashen Beast - Variants

  • Elements
  • Listed Projectiles
  • Shot Cost
  • Splash Radius
  • Weapon Parts
    fixed parts
  • Anointment
  • Splash Anoints

Ashen Beast - SMG Parts

Weapons usually get one part per group, but sometimes multiple or none. Numbers in the top-right  indicate the range of parts a group can have.
Parts usually have equal drop chances, or it's indicated nearby.

Ashen Beast - Changelog

Ashen Beast
How to Farm

Ashen Beast
Assigned Loot Pool

Ashen Beast
Quest Reward Unfarmable (BL3)

Quest Reward (Unfarmable)

Unfarmable - Quest Reward

Borderlands 3 Quest Rewards are rewarded during or after a quest.

This weapon isn't farmable, because it's either from a DLC Quest or 1 of the rare outliers.
The only ways to farm this weapon are the Diamond Loot Room or utilizing Read-Only farming.

Ashen Beast
Drop Rates

The number next to the Source notes Loot Luck.

Loot Luck Formula


P = Dedicated Loot Pool Chance
L = Loot Luck

Ashen Beast
Grinder Recipe

This recipe requires 1+ DLC-Legendary!
SMGSMGAny Legendary WeaponplusAny Legendary WeaponSMGplusAny Legendary WeaponAny Uncommon WeaponequalsSMGSMGEpic or Legendary PistolEpic or Legendary Shotgun
The Grinder⚙️ recipe for the displayed chances.
Consoles may have a better recipe that's the best on PC.

Ashen Beast
Dedicated Sources

Does a Body Good

Does a Body Good

Benediction of Pain