
Borderlands 3Mana Well
With great (something) comes great (something else)
- ContentDirector's Cut
- Damage
- RarityLegendary
- ManufacturerPangolin
- Elements
Mana WellAll Details
On Slam:
The Mana Well starts to drain 9% Max Shield Capacity per second.
Additionally, while your Shield is active you gain 90% Damage Reduction and +100% Bonus Shock Damage.
66.66% of Mana Wells are Non-Elemental and each Element is equally common with 6.66%.
- Elements
- Shield PartsPangolin PartsPangolin Parts
- Anointmentpossiblenone
The Mana Well always spawns with any combination of 3 Pangolin Augments.
All Augments are equally common.
Each Augment can occur 3 times which increases its stats.
Pangolin - Damage Augments
- Amp -Capacity
+Delay While full:
Shots drain 30/25/20% Shield Capacity for +20/50/100% Amp Damage. - Nova -Capacity
On Shield break:
Triggers 34,658 / 74,268 / 123,780 [Shield Element] Damage Nova. - Roid -Capacity
+Delay While depleted:
+80/180/300% Melee Damage - Trigger Happy -Capacity
+Delay While depleted:
+10/17/24% Fire Rate - Power Charge -Capacity
+Rate 15/20/25% Chance to drop a Power Charge on Shield damage.
Power Charge: +10/20/30% Weapon Damage for 7s.
Pangolin - Survivability Augments
- Healthy -Capacity
-Delay +10/25/50% Health - Capacity +Delay
+25/50/75% Shield Capacity - Recharge Delay -Rate
-25/40/50% Shield Recharge Delay - Recharge Rate -Capacity
+15/30/45% Shield Recharge Rate - Reflect +Capacity
While active:
15/30/40% Bullet Reflect Chance
Pangolin - Utility Augments
- Adrenaline -Capacity
+Delay While depleted:
+23/38/50% Reload Speed - Absorb -Capacity
15/30/40% Bullet Absorb Chance - Fleet +Capacity
+Delay While depleted:
+10/17/24% Move Speed - Safe-Space -Capacity
On Shield break:
Knocks back nearby enemies.
Mana WellHow to get it?
General Farming Guidance
Director's Cut items in Borderlands 3 can come from dedicated sources or the exclusive DLC World Pool. Here’s your quick start guide:
Farming Preparations
- Identify the Best Source: The Sources below are generally ranked from best to worst. Make sure to complete any required quests and be aware of Source Restrictions.
- Locate the Source: Make sure you have unlocked the Location.
- Equip Your Character: Equip your character to easily overcome enemies.
- Set Spawn Point: Locate the nearest Save Station to use as your spawn point.
Bonus Tips
- Combine Runs: Get more loot per run by integrating nearby sources into your farming route.
- Track Progress: Track your runs to more precisely predict drops and more clearly monitor progress. Additionally, time your runs to see how tweaks affect your farming efficiency.
- Speed it up: Explore shortcuts and boost your movement speed to minimize travel time. Also, aim to shorten your time to kill with higher DPS or big damage bursts.
- Realistic Expectations: Be patient and persistent when farming. Despite precise, verified drop rates, your actual runs might exceed or fall short of inferred expectations.