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The Dove
Updated: Sep 05, 2023
Borderlands 1

Borderlands 1
The Dove

Sometimes, I forget to reload.
  • Content
    Base Game
  • Weapon Type
  • Rarity
  • Manufacturer
  • Elements

The Dove
All Details

God Roll
The Dove (Repeater-BL1)
Copy The Dove Code

The Dove - About

The Uncommon Repeater The Dove is manufactured by DAHL and comes from the Borderlands 1 Base Game.

The Dove - unique Ability

The Dove doesn't consume Ammo, but has lower Damage, and greater Recoil.

The Dove - Variants

  • Elements
  • Listed Projectiles
  • Shot Cost
  • Splash Radius
  • Weapon Parts
    fixed parts
  • possible
  • Splash Anoints

Dove Hornet

The Dove Hornet has been discontinued in the Borderlands Enhanced Edition, because the Dove's Parts are now fixed!

In the Original Game the Dove Hornet is The Dove Pistol merged with a Hornet Accessory. Look out for a Legendary Hornet.
Compared to the regular Corrosive Accessory the Hornet Accessory has:

  • Hornet Accessory +55% Damage
    +150% Fire Rate
    +4 Element Level
    Increased Recoil Changes the Dove's Firing Mode to a 2-Round Burst.

The Dove - Repeater Parts

Weapons usually get one part per group, but sometimes multiple or none. Numbers in the top-right  indicate the range of parts a group can have.
Parts usually have equal drop chances, or it's indicated nearby.

The Dove - Changelog

Enhanced Edition

  • The Dove can no longer spawn with an Accessory.

The Dove
How to Farm

The Dove
Assigned Loot Pool

The Dove
Dedicated Drop

Dedicated Drop

Dedicated Drop

Dedicated Drops are weapons that only drop from its dedicated sources.
Unlike World Drops who can drop almost everywhere at a small chance.

The Dove
Drop Rates

  • Slither Lvl. 50⁺
The number next to the Source notes Loot Luck.

Loot Luck Formula


P = Dedicated Loot Pool Chance
L = Loot Luck

The Dove
Grinder Recipe

This recipe requires 1+ DLC-Legendary!
RepeaterRepeaterAny Legendary WeaponplusAny Legendary WeaponRepeaterplusAny Legendary WeaponAny Uncommon WeaponequalsRepeaterRepeaterEpic or Legendary PistolEpic or Legendary Shotgun
The Grinder⚙️ recipe for the displayed chances.
Consoles may have a better recipe that's the best on PC.

The Dove
Dedicated Sources



Rust Commons East
Named Enemy
Altar Ego: Godless Monsters

Altar Ego: Godless Monsters

Rust Commons East