Trial of Supremacy
Updated: Sep 02, 2023
Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3
Trial of Supremacy

  • Planet
    Proving Grounds

The Side Mission to enter the Trial of Supremacy can be found in Desolation’s Edge on Nekrotafeyo.

The Side Mission: "Discover the Trial of Supremacy" appears after you have completed the Main Story Mission: "The Great Vault'!

Trial of Supremacy

Trial of Supremacy

Trial of Supremacy
Discoverable Sources

Sera of Supremacy

Sera of Supremacy


Locations related to Trial of Supremacy

Trial of Instinct

Trial of Instinct

Trial of Survival

Trial of Survival

Trial of Cunning

Trial of Cunning

Trial of Fervor

Trial of Fervor

Trial of Discipline

Trial of Discipline

Trial of Supremacy

Trial of Supremacy