Freedom Oz Kit
Updated: Feb 26, 2024
Borderlands TPS

Borderlands TPSFreedom Oz Kit

The moon is your oyster!
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Freedom Oz KitAll Details

Freedom Oz Kit (TPS)
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Freedom Oz Kit - About

The Rare Oz Kit Freedom Oz Kit is manufactured by Hyperion and comes from the Borderlands TPS Base Game.

Freedom Oz Kit - Unique Ability

Lower Boost Cost.

Gain Increased Gun Damage while Airborne.

Freedom Oz Kit - Abilities

Like most Rare Artifacts the Freedom Oz Kit has 1 of 21 Abilities from these 4 Categories.
Artifacts can't be anointed or have a Mayhem Level.

Utility Abilities

  • Last Stand
    5s Invulnerability when Health drops below 50%.
    Cooldown: 40s
  • Elemental Projector
    +129% [Element] Dmg for elemental status effects applied to you.
  • Flesh Melter
    On kill, stacks a buff up to 5 times and each lasts 12.5s.
    Each stack: +32% Corrosive Dmg
  • Atom Balm
    +50% Radiation Aura Dmg
    +25% Radiation Burst Dmg
    +25% Radiation Burst Radius
  • Loot Expanding
    +137% Cash Pickups
    +40% Ammo Pickups
    +65% Health Pickups
  • Ice Breaker
    +50% Dmg to Frozen Enemies
    +61% Cryo Efficiency

Melee/Slide/Slam Abilities

  • Berzerker
    Dealing Melee, Slide or Slam Damage grants you
    +13% Fire Rate and +20% Sprint Speed for 10s.
  • Cutpurse
    Dealing Melee, Slide or Slam Damage
    restores 13% Ammo for you and allies.
  • [Element] Stone
    Melee, Slide, and Slam Damage deals
    +80% Bonus [Element] Damage
  • Knife Drain
    +75% Melee/Slide/Slam Lifesteal

Slide Abilities

  • Cauterizing
    Slide: +95% Incendiary Dmg
    Incendiary puddle on slide impact.
    Cooldown: 10s
  • Electric Slide
    Slide: +95% Shock Dmg
    While sliding shock beams chain up to 7 nearby enemies.
  • Caustic Coast
    Slide: +50% Corrosive Dmg
    While sliding shoots 10 corrosive Shards/s.
  • Snowdrift
    Slide: +95% Cryo Dmg & +158% Speed
    Slide launches Cryo Snowball.
    Cooldown: 5s
  • Radiodead
    Slide: +95% Radiation Dmg
    Radiation puddle on slide impact.
    Puddle duration: 5s

Slam Abilities

  • Hot Drop
    Slam: +125% Incendiary Dmg & +50% Radius
    On impact: Launches 5 fireballs that leave magma puddles.
  • Spark Plug
    Slam: +125% Shock Dmg & +50% Radius
    On impact:
    Spawns tesla-coil that deals Shock Slide-Dmg to nearby enemies for 8s.
  • Toxic Revenger
    Slam: +125% Corrosive Dmg & +50% Radius
    On impact: spawns Corrosive puddle for 5s.
  • Ice Spiker
    Slam: +125% Cryo Dmg & +50% Radius
    On impact: Launches 3 Cryo Spikes that pierce enemies.
    Cryo Spikes deal Amara's Action Skill Damage.
  • Mind Melt
    Slam: +125% Radiation Dmg & +50% Radius
    On impact: Creates Radiation Aura around player for 8s.
  • Rear Ender
    +110% Slam Dmg
    +50% Slam Radius
    +75% Slam Knockback

Freedom Oz Kit - Stats

The Freedom Oz Kit has 3 of 22 Stats from these 3 Categories:

Freedom Oz Kit - Changelog

Freedom Oz KitHow to get it?

Base Game
General Farming Guidance

To collect and equip the Rare Freedom Oz Kit, you need to own the TPS Base Game.

Base Game Items in Borderlands The Pre-Sequel are often obtainable from many sources, including those in DLCs. Here’s your quick start guide:

Farming Preparations

  1. Identify the Best Source: The Sources below are generally ranked from best to worst. Make sure to complete any required quests and be aware of Source Restrictions.
  2. Locate the Source: Make sure you have unlocked the Location.
  3. Equip Your Character: Equip your character to easily overcome enemies.
  4. Set Spawn Point: Find the closest:
    • Fast Travel Station: Save the game by toggling Badass Rank.
    • Map Entry: Make a quick round-trip through the entry to save.

Bonus Tips

  • Combine Runs: Get more loot per run by integrating nearby sources into your farming route.
  • Track Progress: Track your runs to more precisely predict drops and more clearly monitor progress. Additionally, time your runs to see how tweaks affect your farming efficiency.
  • Speed it up: Explore shortcuts and boost your movement speed to minimize travel time. Also, aim to shorten your time to kill with higher DPS or big damage bursts.
  • Realistic Expectations: Be patient and persistent when farming. Despite precise, verified drop rates, your actual runs might exceed or fall short of inferred expectations.

Freedom Oz KitDrop Rates

Freedom Oz KitAll Sources

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